Phil and Dalene Hamer

Phil and Dalene Hamer

hey there!

Thank you for checking out our blog! Stop by regularly and keep up to date with what we're up to! Here we will be sharing our adventures, heartaches, insights, challenges and probably really random stuff. Phil is a filmmaker with a gift of storytelling. Check out to see more of what he does. And Dalene will be writing most of the posts! Ha! We have a passion for bringing awareness to injustice, and spend our days learning and contemplating how to empower the voiceless. With our family and friends, we work through Until Then to help street kids, and are continuously seeking relationships with organizations and individuals who we can join arms with. We hope you enjoy our blog!
Dalene and Phil

Saturday, November 6, 2010

goodbye taste buds

We are on our way to Kenya! Yesterday was my birthday and we spoiled ourselves with amazing food. When you come visit us in Seattle (when we get back..), we'll take you on a food tour and you can treat us to where we ate yesterday. Toulouse Petit in downtown Seattle is amazing. Even more amazing is my wonderful husband and friends who surprised me there with a birthday party!
And thank you to those that donated to our "Thanksgiving in Kenya" fund in honor of my birthday! The fund is still accepting donations if you would like to contribute ;)

So, we're in the airport taking advantage of the free WiFi and ready to get on the plane! We've watched "Modern Family" and are enjoying the travel-stereotypes.

First stop, London. I hear we'll be able to partake in Guy Fawkes celebrations. Should be fun, maybe we should watch "V for Vendetta" on the plane?

1 comment:

  1. To my fabulous, hip, young & beautiful friend (and her adorable husband),
    Oh happy belated birthday! Sending you tons of love on your day after your birthday day. You guys are amazing and are heading off onto a blessed by the Lord adventure. We love you and are praying for you. Cali friends, k&e
